Thursday, April 24, 2008


Pretending to laugh was too hurtful... I did my work…Joseph did his work…and too Lee did his work at the end of the class while everybody was none at all inside the class, heading to Imrish; some went home I guessed…

Everyone seemed to laugh because they were teased by a joke…or maybe because they really want to…from their deep hearts…

to make a lively environment where they stood at…


but…it was not me…

It has been more than three weeks now… and was still the same… I don’t see any speedy recovery at all…Ya Allah…

As I said, it definitely took a long period of time to be back to normal I had expected before…long I waited for… “Be Patient for Glory”… always believe on that… but sometime, I…

I walked and walked…step by step…again and again, looking around… I’m afraid of one particular thing I won’t tell… crossing in my mind was the only thing; where’s the end? And I resumed and used to walk and walk again…and walk some more…

where is it???? Ya Allah…

Passing by trees and greens…with no peace owing to memories and diseases…I wondered…

It was on my way home… I remembered the porch of the house I won’t tell, the place where I wandered around and watched people starting to learn how to drive all their ways to the main streets…with a teacher on their sides…

I remembered…h…

A month ago, I was there… 28 was the start…

1 comment:

tiArA EmiLY said...

I cant understand any word..
what is your story telling is all about my dear friend,
It's good to have secrets..
but you cannot spoil the mood of the reader...
ok friend?