Tuesday, August 19, 2008


In the ‘dReAmiNg’ world, I spent about two days…
It was very sweet!!! Desperately sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!
The movie
But there was one thing about me which I could not avoid…
It was very bad… extremely bad towards my life-to-be… and people around.
I’m afraid…
if the ‘thing’ would never come to an end…
Diriku dicipta lain daripada yang lain…
No one would notice that…
Sometimes, the ‘thing’ dismayed me that I felt regret towards my existence in this world…
I know it is a big sin to mention that… very big one!!!
Sometimes, i felt it was very unfair!!!!!!!… because of that ‘thing’, I suffered…
No one knows about the ‘thing’ I have been doing…
Sometimes, my heart started asking me: when is the end??? How much time I should wait for the ‘hikmah’ to come??? Two years??? Fifteen years???
Or it would never end…
Hoping for someone to change me…
in my prayer, selalu kupohon kewujudan seseorang yang akan memimpin diriku ke jalan yang benar lagi lurus
and to vanish that bad ‘thing’
It was all my fault to have started the ‘thing’…
has been seven years...
it has been my responsibility
to get clear of it…
to change my perceptions towards all men and women
ladies and gentlemen
boys and girls

seven years is the long time...
I felt
I would never make it
one story to remember…
‘100 days with Mr. Arrogant’... I had a chance to watch it… it was yesterday.
Posting me a deep message, I was really touching of what happened in the movie
when it was proceeding its ways.

Alangkah baiknya sekiranya diriku normal seperti manusia lain… Mr. Arrogant was the one…
I admire.
I know
Everyone knows
it is just a story…
But for me…
the story brings true life.

1 comment:

tiArA EmiLY said...

what's up?
kamu seperti keliru
dan tercari cari jalan keluar?

i noticed..
u watched '100 days with Mr. Arrogant'????
i cant believe it,
btw, it was a nice story for me also~

i cant say much rite,
takot nnt kamu marah sy plak..

what can i say is...
njoy holiday yang x serupa holiday nh,

c u in UNITEN!
