Wednesday, July 9, 2008

one was very big one the history ever had!!!...

I know someone would read this post this night… very very sure of that…
You all saw how Sahrul led our visit to one of the orphanages in Terengganu last time?
How he managed the project???
You all know that…
Me as a “pengarah”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a ridiculous thing I heard from history…
A person who did not know anything you all appointed him as a “pengarah”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The problem is that…not because I cannot do the work…
I like doing such work very very much…
But compared with Sahrul… he is more more suitable to fix the post…
What had I done last time??? Nothing I did in the last project… while him… a lot of things he did…
He did ‘budi bicara’ with pak ariff perfectly…
He did manage all boys and girls…
He acts as a ‘real manager’ the history ever had…
He did very very well as a ‘pengarah’…
You all girls might not know how he had been in Amanah last time…
He worked tooooo hard for just a project…calling and meeting here and there…

I knew… every time I watched him… asking friends to know where he had been when he won’t be around… I knew!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of ideas he contributed… while me… nothing!!!! Nothing at all…
It was just ‘me’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… “tu ker name ketua???” somebody will come out with that some day…absolutely beyond doubt true…
You all know that… so why chose me???
I don’t mind if I get a lot of work to be settled up although they are the ‘pengarah’’s work… but to be appointed as a ‘ketua’!!!!!!!!… it is not my nature at all…
I hate to be ‘named’ as ‘pengarah’...
I was just a member of the House…
It was just me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I beg how ………….. i am not him!!!

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K said...
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