Saturday, October 27, 2007

aSsF pApEr toDaY..

Huh…ASSF paper is all over. As usual, I try to escape from my friends, walking away to upten to have my quick lunch. I don’t like discussion just after every exam. So, I think the best way I can do is to get away from those people who like to discuss and argue. It does not mean that a discussion method is bad. What I’m trying to say here is that the time is not appropriate, right? Emm..The questions are not difficult enough to answer. It only needs us to read, understand, and memorize the contents in each subtopics. But I think I did not do well in the recent paper. Other people might say ‘OK’ as they memorize and remember well each key word and supporting details consisting in the ASSF textbook regarding on the recent topics. Anyway, I’ll try my best to better improve my memory as others did…

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