Thursday, August 9, 2007

My Opinion On The Movie ‘The King And I’.

The movie ‘The King And I’ I watched in the past two weeks had touched me a lot. I like the movie very much as it is an old-fashioned style as well as a classic movie. I actually like the classic movie, the one I had seen, especially when it involves the British authors. The way the characters pronounce each word in British English Language style entirely attracted me to stay tune till the end of the movie although there is a technical problem during half of the movie. I do not know whether it is wrong or not to be a ‘British’ heart. The things that play in my mind till now is that can I be a very fluent person in speaking like the native speakers considering that I’m a very weak person among the rest whether in writing, speaking, listening as well as reading. Only for this text I have tried very hard to make it done.To be continued…

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