Sunday, January 30, 2011

perihal Dunia....& Alam Ghaib

Perihal dunia…

Dunia o dunia… byk sungguh penipuan di dalamnya… tidakkah seseorang itu sedar?… Aku ada byk criter daripada golongan tua-tua… one story makes me think for the time being… Somehow, I don’t know whether I supposed to put myself into thinking about it all the time... This is about a dream from an almost-70 years old man … perhaps a religious person… Once, or maybe not…. Maybe so many times he dreamt about “it”… I don’t know… But should anyone ambil manfaat from it…

Tingginya martabat org berilmu agama[Islam] DAN yg mengamalkannya … I think you guys already got what I am going to tell… … “At one place on one time[Sesungguhnya ALLAH itu Maha Mengetahui tempat dan masanya], that old man stands at a highest position, seeing no one higher than him, and he could see “everyone” because as he said, he is at the highest… and “makhluk” Allah di sekelilingnya mula tunduk dengan tiba2… This surprised him very very much menyebabkan dia berasa hairan. As days passed, with Allah’s permission, he unpurposely went to see one of his old friends, also a religious guy, and started to tell him his story about the dream. Fortunately, that old friend of his also dreamt the same, being at the highest position and setiap makhluk surrounding him juga mula tunduk kepadanya in the dream… Ya Allah, Maha Besar kurnianMu… aku duduk… termenung

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