Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Couple of days before my final paper, I was searching pet shops all over Auckland area. But, I have yet found one which is the closest one. I was dying days by days, getting nothing to do. Unlikely, in the previous years and months and days, at least guppies and birds had been my friends over the whole year… it was 4 years more or less, I was playing around with some birds and fishes. And now, nothing… one ever said to me, the last couple of months, as this is your first time living in New Zealand, at least you should have a hobby held in your mind. His saying was definitely true, no doubt about it… his saying is true! I realized. No matter what I liked, I will never be able to have raring pets, fish …etc.. because we live in here.,... in one of hall of residents… I am afraid… I will become a person no one would never imagine before. Nauzubillah…

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